Lacerda Despachante: Agilidade e Confiança

CNPJ: 40.284.950/0001-00

Seu despachante veicular de confiança em Goiânia, sempre pronto para atender você.

5 estrelas - Satisfação garantida!


Serviços de Despachante

Oferecemos serviços completos para facilitar a regularização do seu veículo com eficiência.

A close-up of a yellow vehicle registration plate displaying black symbols and text. The upper section features a circular inspection sticker with numerical markings from 1 to 12 and a highlighted number 10 in the center. Below, a circular emblem contains the text 'Baden-Württemberg' and a stylized coat of arms with lions.
A close-up of a yellow vehicle registration plate displaying black symbols and text. The upper section features a circular inspection sticker with numerical markings from 1 to 12 and a highlighted number 10 in the center. Below, a circular emblem contains the text 'Baden-Württemberg' and a stylized coat of arms with lions.
Consultoria Veicular Especializada

Ajudamos na documentação e processos para veículos novos e usados.

Registro de Veículos

Realizamos o registro e transferência de propriedade de forma rápida e segura.

Emissão de Documentos

Emitimos documentos necessários para a legalização do seu veículo sem complicações.

Sobre Nós

A Lacerda Despachante oferece serviços de despachante veicular com excelência e agilidade, garantindo a satisfação dos nossos clientes em Goiânia.

A close-up view of a vehicle's license plate displaying the text 'BIG 3796' against a dark, reflective surface with vertical gold stripes. The surrounding surface appears glossy and metallic.
A close-up view of a vehicle's license plate displaying the text 'BIG 3796' against a dark, reflective surface with vertical gold stripes. The surrounding surface appears glossy and metallic.
A small white and blue van is parked on the side of a tree-lined street. The van has a license plate and phone number written in blue on the rear. Nearby, a small delivery truck with Chinese characters is driving down the road, and a motorcycle is parked on the curb. The street is flanked by a tall wall and utility poles with overhead wires.
A small white and blue van is parked on the side of a tree-lined street. The van has a license plate and phone number written in blue on the rear. Nearby, a small delivery truck with Chinese characters is driving down the road, and a motorcycle is parked on the curb. The street is flanked by a tall wall and utility poles with overhead wires.
A white delivery truck with the number 0234146 displayed at the top, parked next to a building with a porch and multiple windows. A side mirror is prominently visible on the truck.
A white delivery truck with the number 0234146 displayed at the top, parked next to a building with a porch and multiple windows. A side mirror is prominently visible on the truck.

Nossa História

Fundada em 2021, a Veículos Lacerda Ltda é uma microempresa dedicada a facilitar a vida dos proprietários de veículos em Goiás.


Estamos localizados na Avenida Lineu Machado, em Goiânia, Goiás. Venha nos visitar para serviços de despachante veicular.


Avenida Lineu Machado, 53


Seg a Sex

Entre em Contato Conosco

Estamos prontos para atender suas necessidades de despachante veicular. Entre em contato para mais informações sobre nossos serviços.


(62) 3991-2254
